LINK TO MXIS@IBOOVERVIEW OF THE MXIS UPPER SCHOOL AND THE IB DIPLOMA PROGRAMMEThe International Baccalaureate (IB) is a non-profit global educational foundation intended to create a better world through education. Its teaching methodology promotes student-centered inquiry, critical thinking, and effective communication while challenging students to consider their role in both local and global communities.
MXIS Diploma Programme (IBDP) is designed for students looking for academic challenges that have real-life applications. It offers an interdisciplinary education that pushes students to think creatively and independently. Students attend the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) and then enter the IB Diploma Programme (DP) for Grades 11 and 12.
IB Points of PrideIB educates the whole person.
IB has international acceptability that allows for both flexibility and mobility.
IB encourages students to appreciate cultures and attitudes other than their own and to be informed, tolerant, and willing to communicate with others.
The IB approach to education is not encyclopedic. The emphasis is on helping students learn how to learn and how to analyze.
IB provides a broad general education while allowing specialized study in areas corresponding to individual interests and plans.
-IB Diploma Programme Guide Counseling, 2001The IB educationMultilingualism and intercultural understandingAll IB Programmes require students to learn a second language. Intercultural understanding involves recognizing and reflecting on one’s perspective, as well as the perspectives of others. To increase intercultural understanding, IB Programmes foster learning how to appreciate critically many beliefs, values, experiences, and ways of knowing. The goal of understanding the world’s rich cultural heritage invites the IB community to explore human commonality, diversity, and interconnection.
Global EngagementGlobal engagement represents a commitment to address humanity’s greatest challenges in the classroom and beyond. IB students and teachers are encouraged to explore global and local issues, including developmentally appropriate aspects of the environment, development, conflicts, rights and cooperation, and governance. Globally engaged people critically consider power and privilege and recognize that they hold the Earth and its resources in trust for future generations.
Broad and balancedAn IB education represents a balanced approach, offering students access to a broad range of content that spans academic subjects. As students develop, they engage subject-specific knowledge and skills with increasing sophistication.
ConceptualConceptual learning focuses on broad and powerful organizing ideas that have relevance within and across subject areas. They reach beyond national and cultural boundaries. Concepts help to integrate learning, add coherence to the curriculum, deepen disciplinary understanding, build the capacity to engage with complex ideas and allow the transfer of learning to new contexts.
ConnectedIB curriculum frameworks value concurrency of learning. Students encounter many subjects simultaneously throughout their programmes of study. They learn to draw connections and pursue rich understandings of the interrelationship of knowledge and experience across many fields.
BENEFITS OF THE IB DIPLOMA PROGRAMMEAn environment that helps students make connections between what they are learning in school and the real world.
Frequent opportunities for self-evaluation and reflection.
The opportunity to become directly involved in the community through service projects.
Assessments and assignments that ask students to apply their knowledge to the world around them.
Differentiated instruction to meet the learning needs of students from every level.